Monday, 11 March 2013



TPACK - Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge

TPACK is the beginning of a new way in which pedagogical content knowledge can be taught. A couple of years ago when I attended school, technology was only used within an ICT class or a Business class. Today teachers are integrating technology such as, Ipads, Mobile Phones, GPS and even Computers/laptops to help and support their teaching. Teachers of the 21st century are required to 'keep up' with the children of today who are currently using technology for everything. The power of technology is growing at a rapid rate and so it is becoming compulsory for all educators to learn exactly what it is that children are learning today on their technological devices. When we think about it how many people do we see each day using their mobile phones or their Ipads? We no longer need to write down our to-do-list on pieces of paper, why would we do that when an Ipad can record it all down for us? It is simply crazy! being young myself I finished school when the use technology was slowly becoming more frequent in my classes, although mobile phones, ipads and bringing your own personal laptop to school was 'not allowed' we had to use the school's out-of-date computers. What shocks me even more is that my teachers at school were still using blackboards to write on. I only graduated from high school 4 years ago. the use of technology has really developed over the past 4 years. According to author: Newhouse, P. (2002) the need for computer literacy became extremely influential and many school purchased computers based on this rationale.
What an interesting fact! It makes me stop to think about the use of technology being influenced by society. Is society the reason behind why we need to rely on technology so much? The information can be found on he following site: Newhouse, P. (2002)
to get my head around all of the information regarding TPACK  I found a diagram in which helped my understanding of what  the TPACK framework really consisted of.



How I understood TPACK was that teachers are simply adding the use of ICT to their traditional teaching approaches. As future teachers it is in our best interest to learn how to use technology in several ways, as learning specific information is the basis of TPACK Koehler, M. (2011).  The educator needs to ensure that they are using creative ways to link what needs to be learnt (the content) How it is going to be taught (pedagogy) and the tools in which are going to assist in this learning process (technology).

I feel that a great way in which helps students to recognise what is being learnt is to use videos. from personal experiences, I often learnt best watching a documentary on the subject being taught because I could see the information in front of me being explained and shown in great detail. This is just one of the many technological  devices that can be incorporated into students learning.

 Koehler, M. (2011). What is TPACK? last viewed on: 22 March 2012, From: 


  1. What a great insight into TPACK Little J I was wondering how I was going to get my head around the information but seeing your breif description certainly helped my learning in this topic. Thank You! :-)

  2. Hello Jessica, brilliant reflection on the change in technology use in the classroom. When I finished school 1983 we had card reading computers and thinking calculators were the latest thing! How times have changed. A wonderful graphic for TPACK, were did you find it. Keep up the great work, cheers, Mike.

  3. Thankyou for your feedback guys!! Much appreciated!! It is great to hear your thoughts! :) Michael: I typed into Google a TPACK Mind map and it came up with several different images! but this was the best one that helped with my understanding! I have forgotten to reference it, so thankyou for reminding me!

    Jess :)
